Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tofu steals questions

I yoinked it from here ->

Hi Five! =^.^=

Soo, let's see wat we've got here.

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... made me blush

2. I am listening to... Hamsterdance

3. I talk... with dancing

4. I love... carrots

5. My best friend/s... Master!

6. My first real kiss... was so shocking it made me faint @.@

7. Love is... Carrots

8. Marriage is... huh?

9. Somewhere, someone is thinking... of carrots

10. I'll always... be stuck in this hat T.T

11. The last time I really cried was because... Master gave me a bath.

12. My cell phone... freaks me out.

13. When I wake up in the morning... I haz floppy ears.

14. Before I go to bed... I yawn.

15. Right now I am thinking about... my cute cousins :3

16. Babies are... absolutely ADOWABLE! ^.^

17. I get on Myspace... My what?

18. Today I... am answering these questions. Duh.

19. Tomorrow I will be... fluffy

20. I really want to be... a cloud.

Yay, i hope you all know me better now, peepz XD

- Tofu

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