Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Introducing... Tofu!

Hey guys and girls, Tofu is in da house! I finally got me some time so i thought "Hey, what the hell, why not make a blog?" I'm the kinda bunny that has leads an eventful life, namely, a magician's rabbit-in-the-hat... like, for serious, my butt is stuck in this gawd-forsaken hat and I can't dig meself out. How's that for animal-cruelty, huh?

Hi Guys!

So, seeing as this here is my first rant, how about a little history? I was born in China... don't ask where, i'll just say "Downtown!", i have no idea where else, because that's what is says on the label on my butt. Through some strange circumstances i end up in a place called (no joke) the Big Banana. There I am sitting in my hat all day staring blankly from the shelves, occasionally brought shockingly to life when the shop dude sticks his arm up the hat and into my... ok, you get the idea.

Where I came from... *ROFLMAO*

Then my Master came one day! He couldn't resist my awesomely epic cuteness and had to buy me and take me homes. I didn't really like it at first, because firstly, Ima guy bunny. Second, i'm not gay. So therefore i did not take kindly to my new owner sticking his han-... OWCHIE MAMA!!!

Well, i found a bright side... Master happened to be a magician! How awesome is that, out of all the people in the world to walk into that Big Banana (*gigglesnort*) to take the lonely magic bunny-in-the-hat home was a magician! And a guy who's a magician, we all know what that means... CHICK MAGNET!!!

And then i founds out the sad sad truth; not all magicians are chick magnets. Most kids these days who do magic just stay in their rooms and doodle around in front of their reflections. But Master is still cool, cus he's actually making the effort, and he made a bloody vow to one day become world-renowned! So inspirational, he had me teary-eyed... Gimme a hug, Master, we are brothers in chick- and fame-seeking! And from there on, we were best buds.

These days, things are awesome. The dynamic duo, Master and Tofu, spreading magic and awe to the world. Oh yeah!

Anyways, i think that's a good first blog post, so i'll leaves it at that. Gettin' dark outside and i'ma gettin' snoozy... sleepy time...

G'night y'all, and keep watching this spot!

- Tofu

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