Monday, June 15, 2009

Tofu has a Pose

This day Master took me out to meet his buddies.


More posing...

Yes, as you can tell, we all love posing!

Posin' like an AZN! V!

Wassup, ma negga?~

DJ Tofu is in da house!

Of course, i don't miss my chance to pose with da ladies! XD

Say "Cheese!"

WTF, when did those guys get in??

There was this one dude that had a crazy shirt on...

Oh noes, Felix is hungry! T.T

Not one to be left out, Master wants to pose too =P

Tofu is dejected at Master's superior posing T.T

Master: Stop looking at my stick, Tofu

Background: Mama mia, por favore! XD

More posing...

Oi, that's MY master you're kidnappin', girly.

Noooooooo! Master!!!!!

Let's be friends. *Awwwwww*

So yea, that was my day, meeting more human peoples. It's good to have a diverse network. Never know when the next party'll be at =D

One more pose for the road!!

I has cards, your pose is invalid.

PS - I likes this picture too XD

Hmm, yes, I smell the chemistry here too... *gigglesnort*

- Tofu

1 comment:

  1. Nawwwwwwww... I love this post ^^
    Tofu is totaly gangsta!
    Nam, I'm gonna miss the lil flea-bag! ^^



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